AU Challenge appendix
We have collected a number of different facts, articles and working papers on the subject of forestry and climate change from a variety of sources.
You can download or access the various documents here:
- "Our most powerful, high-tech climate solution? Our forests" from World Economic Forum
- "The Best Technology for Fighting Climate Change Isn't a Technology" from Scientific American
- "Planting 1.2 trillion trees could neutralize CO2 emissions, says ecologist" from World Economic Forum
- "Facts on the Danish forests" from Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark
- "Danish National Forest Accounting Plan 2021-2030" from University of Copenhagen
- "The Danish national forest programme in an international perspective" from the Danish Forest and Nature Agency
- "Forest reserve studies as inspiration for sustainable forest management" from Forest & Landscape Denmark, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
- "Biomass Statistics: Firewood" prepared for Danish Energy Agency by Ea Energy Analyses
- "Forest recreation in Denmark from the 1970s to the 1990s" from Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute
- Key Figures on Forestry in Denmark from Statistics Denmark
- "Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 - How are the world’s forests changing?" from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- "Global Warming of 1.5 ºC" - link to IPCC special report
- "Join us in planting one billion mangrove trees" - from Worldview International Foundation
The following articles, reports and other documents are in Danish:
- "Massiv satsning på nye træer kan fjerne enorme mængder af kulstof" fra Politiken 07-07-2019
- "Træbyggeri er godt for klimaet" fra Dansk Skovforening
- "De fleste af vores skove er slet ikke skove" fra Sebastian Klein via TV2
- "100 nye statsskove suger CO2 til sig" fra Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet